July 13, 2011

INSPIRATION -- a very old and dear ... and beautifully broken friend ...

Said Friend had SO many beautiful ideas ... and i just couldn't sit still after hearing this one... 

SIDE NOTE:  i am COMPLETELY OUT of my large 3/4 tags, which is wonderful considering i have had MASSIVE orders...but don't fret i placed an order tonight ;)

back to point, this tag had been disregarded b/c of .... wait for it ...yeah ... a SPELLING ERROR. (*SIGH*) ...but with the creative juices pumping i flipped it over and went to work, so this is actually the reason you see the indention's and (BEAUTIFUL) imperfections in the tag ... accented by a large wing (recycled from an old pair of earrings i don't wear anymore, --funny how something loses its luster when everyone else starts wearing it too huh?) o well...

this is for YOU MY LOVE, you know who you are! I have ordered you an actual bird for your piece however ;)

any questions or want to purchase ... holler at me!  you know the drill ... link below 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have completely inspired me Terri! Just by reading ur Blog, I was almost in tears, but Happy tears ;) Seemed like it was me writing it, as these have been my words sooo many times...I've always been in flight, trying to find myself & prob like u, everytime I seen jewelry-I wanted to either make 1 similar or update the design. Maybe 1 day we can work together. This could end up being a HUGE Empire for u, Keep on Dreaming!!!! Amanda S.