I was busy just "minutes" ago posting new pix and item updates when i slid across one of my favorite authors status updates on her facebook page, Karen Marie Moning (KMM) author of my all time favorite books, THE FEVER SERIES.
The update, BTW, is a note stating that she has signed on not only to do a 'DANI' trilogy, set in the same time and with the same characters as the fever series, but TWO NEW BARRONS BOOKS AS WELL.
I suddenly stopped, literally STOPPED doing everything i was doing (which actually was kind of important now that i think about it, jewelry business and all that *money = livelihood and fun stuff of that nature*) and had a moment relatively close to the screaming fanatic teenagers you see jumping up and down outside pop-stars dressing rooms...
...and that was it.
It is now WELL past midnight (several HOURS, not MINUTES later) and I find myself sitting here reading post after post, blog after blog, mind boggled up and lost completely in Jericho Barrons.
When KMM wrote this beast into life she un-intentionally raised the expectations of women everywhere to the point that there isn't a living breathing man alive today that could possibly make us happy.
No, we want a growling undefined creature pushing us to our limits, chaining us to poles, and holding us by the throats while he kisses us to the point we can't breathe.
Thanks Karen, Really!
SO...from all of us who will forever only be satisfied by the man living in your head I not only THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart but beg feverously (FEVER *WINK*) that you keep us well fed on JERICHO BARRONS indefinitely!!
For everyone else...
here is a "P.S." for you: Not that i am convinced there is a movie screen anywhere that is going to be able to contain him, Dreamworks has signed on to do the FEVER MOVIES...so BARRONS is literally going HOLLYWOOD! (-another rant of excited screaming-) *SIGH*
When every other novel I was picking up in the bookstore announced: Vampire/Werewolf/Demon hero on the cover, and was marketing it on the basis of that paranormal creature’s mythic resonance, I wanted to write a story with a male center-stage character that defied labels, and wouldn’t permit one. I wanted to make the reader choose to take him or leave him without the convenience of a pre-packaged tortured-hero caricature to slap over his outline, and no easy answers about whether he was good or bad. I wanted to write a paranormal creature and never tell the reader what he was, because I believed they would ultimately see him more clearly in his everyday behavior, than through the distorted lens of someone else’s legend.
Barrons says, “Judge me by my actions” and makes the reader do the same. At the end of the series, I want the reader to answer the question: Who/what is Barrons? the same way Mac does: Who cares? He’s Barrons.
ALSO...to torture us ever so much more KMM posted a sex scene written in BARRONS POV. yeah.
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