July 30, 2012

a little funny...

...while in Ireland... we got on the topic about what our "dream" man would be etc... and I described mine (as i always have) tall, Long hair, scruffy beard, dark and mean as hell...etc... on the second day we were there Melissa and i were walking along this antique shop and i see this painting of a man, and i was like See...there he is...at which point melissa doubles over laughing...
you see she thought the painting was of Jesus...not some tall mean and mysterious medevil knight as i did! lol just further proof that we all see the world so very different lol


Crystal said...

That is funny..i would notice that picture too!
Your description is what i like...hopefully 'mean looking' and not mean though haha

Crystal said...

That is funny..i would notice that picture too!
Your description is what i like...hopefully 'mean looking' and not mean though haha

Crystal said...

That is funny..i would notice that picture too!
Your description is what i like...hopefully 'mean looking' and not mean though haha

Unknown said...

lololololol VERY TRUE! I love the mean looking ones *WINK* :)